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On-Site Pilot Verification

Dec 1, 2023

Current on-site pilot verification programs among others include Florida and Puerto Rico.

Current on-site pilot verification programs among others include Florida and Puerto Rico. On-site pilot verification & optimization is routinely performed before a purchase decision is made.  The on-site test program consists of a series of test runs at various operating parameters to determine optimal process conditions and cost structure.  Pilot tests can be up to several months, as required by the client/regulator.  As many as five pilots have been conducted concurrently.

Remote Webcam PPS

Prior to piloting, a pilot protocol is co-developed by Purifics and the Client. The goal of the protocol is to verify purification to the client’s specifications, verify O&M cost estimates, and to obtain the required engineering data for the design & regulatory approval of a full-scale water purification system. Upon power up Cuf pilots have full remote control capability and telemetry.

Cuf Pilot Unit Installed in Florida

At the conclusion of the on-site pilot verification a final test report, consisting of the objectives, description, results, discussion, conclusions, system recommendations, and an appendix of the test data is submitted to the client.  A full-scale treatment train recommendation is made.  This recommendation includes capital, operating and maintenance costs, as well as other system parameters.

Cuf Pilot Unit Installed in Puerto Rico



Press Release: Contract Award; Water Purification System for Arsenic Removal with ZLD

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